By using our database website, you agree to pay all applicable charges, including any taxes or fees imposed by applicable government authorities. Our pricing is subject to change at the time when you pay through payment form. Once our service has been rendered, there shall be no refunds or reversals of any kind. Payment shall be calculated based solely on our invoicing records for billing purposes. No other measures or statistics of any kind will be accepted, nor will they have any effect on our Payment and Refunds policy.

Payment Policy:

  1. Payment must be made upfront to access real estate seller leads, buyer leads, agents database, and mobile home park owners database.
  2. Payment can be made through credit/debit card, Stripe, or any other accepted payment gateway. 
  3. The payment made is non-refundable.
  4. You have to pay then we will deliver the database file to you through email. It will take 2 to 7 business days.

Refunds Policy:

  1. We do not offer refunds for any payment made.
  2. If there is any issue with the provided data, we will work to correct it and provide a new set of data as per the package purchased by the customer.

Cancellation Policy:

  1. Once the payment is made, no cancellation is allowed.
  2. If the customers want to refund their payment, they need to contact customer service and provide a valid reason.

Note: The policies stated above are subject to change as per the company’s discretion without any prior notice.

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